According to Vastu expert Monica Bakshi, in Vastu, the architectural layout of each room is considered in terms of the compass direction it faces, and each compass direction has its own qualities. Many traditions assign beliefs to specific compass directions; below is my understanding of the significance of the compass directions according to Vastu traditions, based on Monica's teachings, along with some universal truths I am observing.
Universal truth: east is a powerful compass direction in many cultures because it is where the sun rises. The rising sun greets us in the morning with brilliant natural light that lasts throughout the day.
In Vastu, an east-facing room is considered first of all the directions. East is believed to be a place of prosperity for happiness, wealth, good health and vitality as well as intellect and destiny in Vastu, and east-facing rooms are considered places where ancestors may bless the household, the head of the household, and the descendants or children who live in the house; perhaps as the sun rises from darkness each day. East is believed to be potentially the most powerful location in a house or building when it is designed or improved using Vastu principles.
Universal truth: west is a powerful compass direction because it is where the sun sets. The sun retires every evening, in almost all locations on our planet. The sunset is the ending point of natural daylight for each day.
In Vastu, a west-facing room is considered a place of prosperity for the success and fame of our deepest desires and the prospect of a bright future; as a new day will follow after each sunset. West is believed to be an important location to energize with Vastu for protecting the stability and calmness of the mind while enhancing pleasant dreams to encourage success in accomplishing tasks following a good night's sleep.
Universal truth: in the northern hemisphere, rooms on the north side of a home or building are naturally cooler. Intellectual pursuits may be enhanced by a "calm, cool mind" and a cooler location.
In Vastu, the north direction is believed to be influenced by planet Mercury. A north-facing room is considered a place of prosperity for study, meditation and happiness of all kinds that result from acquiring knowledge through the intellect; it is also considered a place of happiness for the woman of the house. North is believed to be an important location to have an opening and a view to the outdoors and to energize with Vastu for the physical well-being of the occupants.
Universal truth: in the northern hemisphere, rooms to the south are naturally warmer. Warmer rooms welcome a slower pace, inviting us to take time out for strategic planning or maybe some daydreaming.
In Vastu, the south direction is believed to be influenced by planet Mars. A south-facing room would correspond with magnificent success as well as courage and patience. This area should be influenced by height and heaviness; the opposite of reflective surfaces like mirrors or water features, which are believed to best be kept out of and away from a southern-facing room.
Universal truth: in the northern hemisphere, the south represents the warmth of the sun. The planet Venus, sometimes called the “Morning Star”, rises in the east, as the brightest star in the sky before the sun rises.
In Vastu, the south-east direction is believed to be influenced by Venus. A well designed south-eastern room is believed to be important for the prosperity, good health and stamina of all the occupants of the house or building.
Universal truth: in the northern hemisphere, the south is usually the hottest area in the house; “heated conversation”, “hot headed” and “taking the heat” are common phrases that describe difficult human interactions. The west is the place of sunset, representing the end of the day when issues from work may influence family members after-hours.
In Vastu the south-west direction represents obstacles and difficulties. It is believed that this area needs to be grounded in ways that evoke the element of earth to support stability in overcoming the inevitable problems of real life; the opposite of vacant space, which is believed to be of disadvantage for this direction.
Universal truth: in the northern hemisphere, the north is usually the coolest area. Phrases like “cool demeanor”, “cooling off period ” and “chill” are reminders to keep on friendly terms with guests. In the west is the sunset and the end of the day, representing the temporary nature of visits, parties and friendly get-togethers.
In Vastu, the north-west direction is believed to be influenced by the moon, which makes it a nice location to invite friends, relatives, guests into the home. It is believed important to design this sector well to support being on consistently friendly terms with people who are not regular occupants of the house.
Universal truth: in the northern hemisphere, the rooms in the north are the coolest rooms, providing a calm place for study and spiritual practice. The east is where the sun rises, which was seen as a miracle in ancient times; the sunrise continues to be both a secular and spiritual inspiration every day throughout the world.
In Vastu, the north-east is believed to be influenced by Jupiter. The north-east room is believed to promote intelligence, knowledge and spirituality. Good design in this room is believed to encourage harmony in the home, release of mental tension and preservation of the intelligence.
For a Reiki version of a Vastu Clearing, please visit my Metaphysics for Architecture webpage.
This article may be updated from time to time.